The patience that it requires to grow an envy-worthy beard is immense. You may see other men with beards and wonder how on Earth they were able to master the art of growing facial hair. Keep reading to learn not only how to grow facial hair but the best products to use when growing a beard. This is “the what and the when” of beard care. After reading, you’ll wonder how you survive without it!
Learn patience
Patience is a virtue. When you first start growing your beard, the first 4-6 weeks is truly a waiting game. You shouldn’t touch, trim or style it for that time because your hair needs time to grow in evenly. Your timeline will also be a bit unique from everyone else you talk to or read about. Your lifestyle, diet, and exercise routine will also impact the speed at which your hair grows. Take it easy and wait for the next step. We promise, it will come.
Fuel your body
People underestimate just how much your diet comes into play when growing a beard. Yet, just like your head hair and nails show exactly what you put into your body, your beard does the same. It’s made from protein and fat, which means it’s heavily reliant on Vitamins B5, B3, B9. If you want to boost your ability to grow and maintain your beard that means you need to add more milk, leafy greens, egg yolks, nuts, and lean meats into your diet. You can also supplement specifically with a vitamin. Now, be warned, if you’ve never had facial hair before in your life, these vitamins probably won’t do the trick, but they can be a great way to boost what’s already present.
Keep it clean
Just because this hair is on a different part of your head doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be kept clean. Just like your head hair, your beard needs to be cleaned regularly so it doesn’t become too oily or dry. You’ll figure out what is best for your beard through trial and error but knowing some good beard wash and softener can go a long way.
Get a good beard brush or comb
Does this sound more and more like the hair on your head? There are definitely similarities! Rubbing down your beard with the right comb or brush can help the hairs go in a downward direction and hold a soft style. You’ll tame the flyways and have extra sculpting power. Be sure to be gentle and absolutely use something intended for beards!
Invest in good beard oil
There’s one product you can’t pass up when growing a beard, and it’s definitely beard oil. You’ll not only help your beard grow, but you’ll help to rejuvenate the skin underneath your beard when it becomes dry and itchy. However, not all beard oil is created equal, so don’t let anyone tell you that you can just pick any old beard oil off the shelf. That’s not true! From the correct ingredients to the right application method to reviews and recommendations that help the product truly stand out, you’ll know a good product when you see one. For more information, read What to Look for When Buying Beard Oil.
Looking to buy products that will help you grow the best beard of your life? Uncle Jimmy’s Beard Oil is now sold at Walmart Stores near you! Click here to find a store.
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